Nov 07 / 2015       No comments yet       Tags: , , ,
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The Dangers Associated with Gas Boilers and Gas Boiler Repair

Gas Boiler Service Dublin

The Dangers Associated with Gas Boilers and Gas Boiler Repair

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Gas Heating Systems are well known sources of carbon monoxide poisoning, which has led to the needless and sad loss of life on too many occasions throughout Ireland. If the exposes to carbon monoxide is high enough, you can die within one to three minutes. The government have a website dedicated to this serious issue and a helpline which is 1850-797979.

But how does carbon monoxide poisoning relate to gas boilers and gas boiler repair. What conditions precipitate a carbon monoxide poisoning accident? How might a gas boiler bring on such an accident?

  • Simply speaking the gas boiler may not be serviced or maintained
  • Poor installation of gas boilers and improper use of gas boilers
  • Ventilation within a room or house may be poor or blocked

How can you tell if you are suffering from carbon monoxide? What symptoms might you display?

You may experience feelings for general lethargy, feeling dizzy when standing up, sickness, stomach pains or diarrhea, muscular weakness or headaches – symptoms that generally relate to a flu.

Gas Boiler Repair and Services

It’s never worth taking a risk when you health is exposed, especially when you consider, a defected gas boiler could be the cause of a death within three minutes. Always get your gas boiler serviced, and if your gas boiler needs repair, well, source a registered RGI Gas Installer.

You can also purchase a CO Alarm, a Carbon Monoxide alarms which will your mind at ease, they are relatively inexpensive. You can find a number of Carbon Monoxide alarms here and here!

Here is a great advice video around the area of CO Alarms:

Contact that Gas Boiler Repair Experts @ NT Heating and Plumbing

Boiler Repair Dublin covers all types of gas boiler repair and services in Dublin, Wicklow, Meath, and most counties in Leinster, so feel free to call the team on 01-5397223, email: or fill out the make a gas boiler repair and service appointment form.

Gas Boiler Repair

Gas Boiler Repair

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